meet mother maimai maimai 1 - in front of maimai cave maimai 2 - fly to witch house, inside maimai 3 - in zora's domain pit maimai 4 - in water south of waterfall get piece of heart in cave behind waterfall maimai 5 - go down river some more, in wall maimai 6 - under bridge treasure hunter cave 1 - silver rupee get heart piece in graveyard dungeon maimai 7 - to left of sanctuary, in cliff maimai 8 - in water pit west of sanctuary use hammer to get chest surrounded by pegs bomb north of rosso's house - red rupee maimai 9 - near rosso's house in cliff into lost woods maimai 10 - under a rock heart piece - through slit near log maimai 11 - cut into bushes maimai 12 - run into tree maimai 13 - pound pegs, pick up rock dive into kakariko well, get heart piece maimai 14 - under bush in village maimai 15 - on top of roof in village, use chicken to get there go into empty building, get chest by sliding through bars get scoot fruit, other stuff if possible maimai 16 - fortune teller tent, outside maimai 17 - in tree north of blacksmith maimai 18 - blow tiles near blacksmith maimai 19 - blow tiles near castle maimai 20 - run into tree near castle heart piece - chris houlihan area maimai 21 - behind link's house maimai 22 - in tree west of link's house maimai 23- run into north tree in gulley area maimai 24 - tree near cucoo ranch